Pioneer Square’s King Street Station is one of 54 projects to receive federal funding as part of a statewide push to enhance high speed rail transportation.
More than $18.2 million will be spent to seismically retrofit King Street Station and its clock tower, as well as restore the station’s main hall and upgrade electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems. This work will transform the busy and historic station and adjacent tracks and platforms to meet current and future needs of expanding intercity and commuter rail service.
Council President Richard Conlin commented that “this positive financial news will provide much needed jobs and put thousands of dollars into our economy and free up funds to go to other projects. On behalf of the Council, I thank our federal delegation for their consistent efforts to find funding for our region.”
Renovations for the station began in 2008, and are planned to be completed by late 2011/early 2012. The scope of work includes:
* Replace existing roof with original terra cotta tile roof
* Repair lighting and remove microwave dish on clock tower
* Fix the four tower clocks to make them operational
* Restore interior finishes and exterior building facade
* Remove suspended tiles from lobby to restore original ornate ceiling
* Complete seismic and structural upgrades