Daniels Development Co recently did a great visual representation of ideas that could make King Street Station more functional and what the area could look like in 5 years.
Artwork by Craig Thorpe
Things to look for in the rendering:
- 2nd Ave Ext is removed and creates a large public open space. Cars heading south turn at Main to get to 4th. Costs cars about 1 minute in travel time.
- Extension of KSS open space to go over the passenger rail tracks (BNSF won’t allow it over the freight rails).
- Street car as planned located in middle of street. Stations are at 5th and Jackson and 2nd & Jackson.
- New Inter-modal bus terminal above the passenger rails between Weller & Lane.
- Grand staircase leading down from bus terminal down to north lot.
- Create open space between DDC’s new building and KSS on Third Ave Ext.
- While they haven’t started design on the North Lot, this shows the concept of a more traditional façade below 70’ and the modern high rise set back on top.
- New passenger bridges across tracks that provide a connection to KSS.
What the area looks like currently: